Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Sieve and the Sand

Alright, so it's going to be a lot more difficult to stop reading this time. Bradbury really gives you a cliff hanger there, doesn't he? I'm guessing the neighbor ladies turned him in, but I guess that I will have to wait and find out.

I found this chapter a little more difficult to read because of the darkness and imagery, but I believe after we discuss it and I reread it a few times, it will become more clear.

I like how Faber is brought in at this point and serves as Guys guide on this journey. It is funny how with his invention, guy is able to hear whispering guidance. I also find the overwhelming amount of references to the bible and god very interesting. I started to notice the God references in the last chapter and with the introduction of the bible they became more prevelant. Faber almost becomes like a spiritual guide to him. As if he is leading him on this journey of understanding. It seems almost eerie in what seems to be a godless world.

I really hope that they don't find the books in the back yard. I want to turn the page, but I will contain myself .

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