Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Fair

I took my youngest daughter Addison to the fair yesterday. It was so much fun! The fair was starting to become stale for me. I think it was because my kids were getting older and they just wanted to hang out with their friends, but I got to see the fair through the eyes of a five year old this year.

It's amazing what that change of perspective does for your outlook. She was so amazed by everything. She rode on all the kiddie rides and even made a friend there, who became her riding partner. It was so cute. She wanted french fries and funnel cakes and was amazed by Santa walking around with his geese. Yep, I said geese.

Then we got to walk through the toyota arena and see all of the animals. She asked me a million questions about them and I did my best to answer them, although I am no expert on goats, haha.

I hope that she stays this inquisitive for a long time. What a blast! I can't wait to go to the fair again.

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