Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Class Discussion

It was fun discussing the Sieve and the Sand in class today. I have to admit though that keeping the discussion flowing was a lot more difficult than it seems. I wish that our group could have finished because I know that Syneth had a lot to talk about regarding Denhams dentrifice. Hopefully we will get to it next week.

I loved hearing everyones opinions about the book. It is amazing how we can all read the same book and get something completely different out of it. It will be interesting to see what happens in the last chapter. All of the conspiracy theories were very interesting. I don't usually see the possibility of conspiracy until it is pointed out to me, haha. I guess that in some ways I can be a little naive.

Well I think I'm going to start reading the last chapter now. I can't wait any longer. Happy Reading!!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Sieve and the Sand

Alright, so it's going to be a lot more difficult to stop reading this time. Bradbury really gives you a cliff hanger there, doesn't he? I'm guessing the neighbor ladies turned him in, but I guess that I will have to wait and find out.

I found this chapter a little more difficult to read because of the darkness and imagery, but I believe after we discuss it and I reread it a few times, it will become more clear.

I like how Faber is brought in at this point and serves as Guys guide on this journey. It is funny how with his invention, guy is able to hear whispering guidance. I also find the overwhelming amount of references to the bible and god very interesting. I started to notice the God references in the last chapter and with the introduction of the bible they became more prevelant. Faber almost becomes like a spiritual guide to him. As if he is leading him on this journey of understanding. It seems almost eerie in what seems to be a godless world.

I really hope that they don't find the books in the back yard. I want to turn the page, but I will contain myself .

Britt's first Homecoming

My daughter Brittani is a Freshman at York Suburban High school. She went to the homecoming dance last night and she looked so amazing. It seems like just yesterday that I was bringing her home from the hospital and now she is in high school. Wow! I guess my message is to enjoy and savor every second of life because it is fleeting.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What a Crazy Weekend

Well I thought i had control of my time management skills but apparently I was wrong. I did all of my homework on Thursday except a paper for sociology because I knew that it would take the rest of the weekend. I had a well layed out plan. Start my project Friday after Psychology and and take my laptop to my daughter's Volleyball tournament, so that I could finish it on Saturday. Yeah Right!!!!! I searched for info for my report all day Friday and thought that I had everything that I needed, but I was wrong, so starting the paper got pushed to Saturday. Well, my laptop wouldn't work at the tournament, so I started to panic. I continued my search for information and when I couldn't find enough I switched my topic. That's right, I completely restarted my paper Sunday morning and now it is 11:30 pm and I just finished it, ugh! What a horrible weekend. On the bright side, at least I didn't have to cook dinner all weekend.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Hearth and the Salamander

I had to make myself put this book down. I knew that if I kept reading I wouldn't stop until I completed the entire thing. When I first started reading, I wasn't sure that I was going to like this book. It was full of so much imagery that I was on sensory overload. I had a hard time staying focused on the story itself, but after rereading a few passages I was able to see this futuristic world.

I immediately fell in love with Clarisse. In a very short time she pulled Guy back from the edge of the abys that he didn't even know he was teetering on. I was extremely sad when Mildred announced her death. I thought that she would help guy with this journey, but I guess I will have to wait and see who takes over that role.

Even though this futuristic world is supposed to be fun, the restriction of free thought has made people forget how to think and to feel.

I was also intrigued by captain Beatty's description of how the world came to be as it is now and how "Firemen" evolved in to the firestarters that they have become. His knowledge of history, even though noone else remembers is a little odd. It makes me wonder id he is reading as well. I guess we will find out.

I am going to fight the urge to finish the rest of this book this weekend so that I can discuss the first chapter without knowing what is coming. I will try my best.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Fair

I took my youngest daughter Addison to the fair yesterday. It was so much fun! The fair was starting to become stale for me. I think it was because my kids were getting older and they just wanted to hang out with their friends, but I got to see the fair through the eyes of a five year old this year.

It's amazing what that change of perspective does for your outlook. She was so amazed by everything. She rode on all the kiddie rides and even made a friend there, who became her riding partner. It was so cute. She wanted french fries and funnel cakes and was amazed by Santa walking around with his geese. Yep, I said geese.

Then we got to walk through the toyota arena and see all of the animals. She asked me a million questions about them and I did my best to answer them, although I am no expert on goats, haha.

I hope that she stays this inquisitive for a long time. What a blast! I can't wait to go to the fair again.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I guess I could learn to like writing

Ok, so maybe writing isn't that bad. As I was writing my literacy narrative, I realized that writing may actually help me work through feelings.

I know that this isn't an original thought, but it is definitely a new thought for me. Writing has been my nemisis for many years. For as long as I can remember, I have dreaded writing, so the idea that it can actually be theraputic is sort of mind boggling. I am not completely converted to the school of thought that writing is great, but I think that I may be slowly inching in that direction.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Writing from the Darkness

I was sitting my sofa reading "Writing From the Darkness" and I was overcome by many emotions. I felt so sad for the author because of her tormented childhood and how she had to break through her own insecurities and doubts to become whole again. I was angry with her family for trying to bend her into what they wanted her to be, instead of embracing who she was.

As a parent I know that it isn't always easy to make the right decisions. We are human, however stifling a childs spirit can never help them grow. I was also moved by how in some ways, writing trapped her, as well as saving her and then eventually freeing her. The therapuetic effect that writing had on her life was mindblowing.

I have always struggled with writing, so looking at it through the author's eyes, as a means to self evaluation and self improvement is a perspective that I never really entertained.

I was also suprised that she didn't look at her poetry as a true reflection of herself. I always thought that poetry was a reflectin of the authors soul, so to hear that this was not how she felt was eye-opening.

I enjoyed this piece for it's descriptiveness and detail. Although I must admit, at times I was wondering if the artistic use of language and description, left me with an alternative understanding of what the author was trying to say.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Writing Thesis Statements

OK, so I wish that I could share the opinion of some of my classmates that writing thesis statements is fun, but I would be lying. I have never really been a strong writer and although I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn and become better, I am also very scared, because I need a good grade. Every time I think I have an idea, my brain just trips over itself. I keep telling myself that perhaps I am making this more difficult than it has to be. Boy, I sure hope so! I thought that maybe if I blogged for a little while then I would relax and just come up with some ideas. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! Ha ha, just like the little engine that could, I am off to give it another shot.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Loved Class Today!!!


I was so intrigued by today's class discussion. I had forgotten how much I love to debate issues and to learn and grow from other peoples viewpoints. I learned so much. Sometimes as we become comfortable in our daily lives, we stop challenging ourselves and our ideas. It was just so refreshing today to have a chance to hear people discuss some tough topics and really share their knowledge and understanding with the class. Many times we cannot see a topic clearly until we see it through many different sets of eyes. I am so excited about being back in college after so many years. I hope that this semester will continue to bring many more opportunities for personal growth and challenging experiences.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Should Colleges Teach

I found it very interesting that Stanley Fish chose to use findings from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) to support his argument that writing classes should only teach writing. The ACTA seems to be an organization who's ideas bear little, if no resemblence to those of Stanley Fish. It seems a bit unrealistic that he would find value in this organization. Even as it applies to a point that he is trying to prove valuable.

I found myself unable to buy into his argument that there is only one way to teach writing. Although I believe in strong fundamentals for good writing, I also believe that people's minds are incredibly complex and diverse. Therefore, I follow the school of thought that rejoices in the journey that can lead us in many different directions and invariably get us to the same destination.