Sunday, October 4, 2009

I need a GPS

I figured out a very important lesson today. I should have a GPS surgically implanted somewhere on my person. I travel alot with my kids sports and I thought I had a good handle on how to get everywhere I need to go. So how is it that I had to travel to some town in the middle of nowhere, Maryland today for a softball double-header? What the heck? Maybe if your kid is playing township ball, then perhaps the games should at least be held in the state in which you reside. Not a travel team folks. The worst part was that when I finally got there, I could see the field from 780 million different directions as I kept driving by it, but couldn't figure out how to get into the school, ugh! Maybe directionally challenged people should be issued GPS's with their drivers lisences. Yay!!!! That's a great idea.

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