Saturday, November 28, 2009


I am definitely ready for the end of this semester. Although I have enjoyed learning, the workload has been absolutely ridiculous. I guess the combination of the classes that I am taking makes for a lot of homework. I spend so much time on my homework that my 5 year old has learned how to do her own laundry, haha, just kidding, but i do have a ridiculous amount of homework. I feel like I am neglecting my family most of the time. They are watching movies, I am doing homework. They are playing games, I am doing homework. They are going to the mall........Ok you get the picture. The stuff that I have learned this semester will be invaluable, but I can't wait for it to end!!!!!


  1. Hey, here's that interview I was talking about on The War on Kids:

  2. Just kidding, that's a Snapple source (apparently the url didn't copy, lol)

    Here's the interview:

  3. I know how you feel Steph. I honestly feel SO drained. I personally feel if classes were to go on much longer, I might have a mental break down! :-) Hang in there.
