Monday, November 16, 2009


My husband had some friends over yesterday to help him finish some work on the patio and to hang out and watch some football outside. I guess we can all just assume when there is a gathering of men and work and football, beer won't be far behind. Well all the guys were sitting out back watching football and sipping (ha, yeah right) on their beers, when our friend Wes took a drink out of his beer, which had recently become home to a yellowjacket. Ouch!!! Yeah, you guessed it. It stung the inside of his lip. I heard my name being called from outside, followed by, "You've got to see this". As you can imagine, I was a little nervous. Wes's whole lip and half of his face were swollen beyond recognition. It was the craziest thing that I ever saw. Apparently Wes was allergic to bees. Two Benadryl, some ice, and a car ride later, I had him at the emergency room. Everything is fine, he came back after the ER visit, so I can laugh about it now, right? Hahaha, it was the funniest thing that I ever saw. Holy cow, well I know that the guys were snapping lot's of pictures with their camera phones, so if I can get ahold of one, I will definitely post it here. I guess the lesson here is that Bees like beer too!

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